Court Automotive logo

1818 Finfeather Rd. - Bryan, TX 77801

Phone: (979) 822-9771

Paint and Body Repair

before and after photos of dent repair on car

Photo Gallery of Our Work

We enjoy going to work every day at our auto body shop and taking cars that have been wrecked or neglected and turning them into beautiful automobiles once again. New cars, vintage cars, RVs, tractor trailers, and a host of other items have been repaired in our shop. It has been a joy to work on each and every one of them.

This is a small sample of our work. You can see more photos of before and after examples of our collision repair, color matching, upholstery, detailing, and custom work on our Facebook page.       Facebook icon

Car damaged in automobile accident

Nissan 350Z Before

Car damaged in automobile accident

Nissan 350Z Before

Car damaged in automobile accident

Nissan 350Z Before

car body damaged repaired by Court Automotive

Nissan 350Z After

car body damaged repaired by Court Automotive

Nissan 350Z After

car body damaged repaired by Court Automotive

Nissan 350Z After

Car damaged in automobile accident

Toyota Camry Before

Car damaged in automobile accident

Toyota Camry Before

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Toyota Camry After

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Toyota Camry After

Car damaged in automobile accident

Hyundai Elantra Before

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Hyundai Elantra After

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Hyundai Elantra After

Car damaged in automobile accident

Ford Mustang Before

Car damaged in automobile accident

Ford Mustang Before

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Ford Mustang After

car body damage repaired by Court Automotive

Ford Mustang After

damage to wheel in car accident

Damage to wheel involved in car accident

repaired wheel after accident

Repaired wheel - looks good as new

damage to front of white truck

Damage to front of truck

front truck is repaired

Damage to front of truck is repaired

A service truck before painting

A service truck before painting

After painting service truck

After painting service truck

before front of service truck is painted

Before painting front of service truck

after front of service truck is painted

Painted service truck front view

Damage to front of red truck

Damage to front of red truck

Damage to front of red truck is repaired

Damage to front of red truck is repaired